Welsh's Social Services LLC services include the following:

✓ As a Representative Payee, we will be responsible for making sure the individual’s basic needs are met.

✓ Establish a budget for the individual including monthly bills and daily living expenses that are based on the person’s income and needs.

✓ Pay bills including rent, utility, phone bills, insurance bills eliminating the anxiety for the individual paying their own bills.

✓ Customize and distribute a spending allowance that is based on the individual’s personal needs weekly, twice a month or monthly.

✓ Provide individualized community supports and resources.

✓ Report any changes to individual account to Banks and Social Security Administration. 

✓ Wealth Management. 


Welsh’s Social Services, LLC serves individuals located in Miami-Dade County, Broward County, Palm Beach County, Monroe County and Collier County. We work with beneficiaries as well as case managers and social workers.